Monday 19 June 2017

A Good Quote

Hi friends! 
Here's an INSPIRING QUOTE for you all..


Image result for FIGHT OBSTACLES


Hope you like it! Please comment as your feedback is really very SPECIAL. Thanks and keep looking forward to my posts. πŸ˜Š
                                                                                        - Preksha Mahajan

Thanks To Your Grandmother

Hi everybody!
So, here it is.

Examination Hall
ABC city

19 June 2017

Dear grandmother
I am fine here and hope that you're also in the pink of health. I'm writing this letter to thank you for such a wonderful gift on my birthday.

I was so surprised and delighted to receive the present sent by you and I was curious to know what it contained. I yearned to buy Casio as my music competition is round the corner and this wish has been fulfilled by you. I don't know how you got to know about this desire of mine. I'm really very glad. So, I wanted to thank you and express my warm gratitude towards you. Recently, my friends and I went for an excursion to Manali and we enjoyed a lot there by doing various activities like: shopping, trekking, visiting different places, etc. So, I thought of buying a Tibetan shawl for you which is extremely warm and light. Also, I've purchased apricot oil that can give you relief from pains in the joints. I wish you were here and we could share a lot of experiences and memories. Please do visit us during Diwali. Mom and Dad are missing you as well.

I hope that you will surely pay a visit to us so that we can have fun. Now I keep my pen down. I'm also keenly waiting for your reply.
Yours lovingly

Hope you all like it! Please share, comment and keep looking forward for my posts..!πŸ˜ƒ

Saturday 17 June 2017

Water Pollution

Hey there everybody!
Today's post is an article touching the feelings of a lover of nature on the topic 'How Are We Polluting Water'.
So, here it is.
By: Preksha Mahajan

Water which is too precious is not only being wasted but also polluted excessively. Garbage, chemicals, etc. all contribute to water pollution. Let's see the true fact.

In this industrialized era, one will find 'River polluted; marine life dead' common in the newspaper. It's because of the water pollutants like: detergents, chemicals, non-biodegradable polythene bags, untreated wastes, etc. that pollute the water and making it toxic. Whenever harmful substances are discharged in water making it unfit for consumption or usage, it is referred to as water pollution. Water pollution has many adverse effects on human as well as marine life. When contaminated water is drunk, it causes many diseases like: typhoid, cholera, jaundice, etc. and many infections. Marine life in rivers also suffer a lot and when a river lacks in marine plants and animals, it is considered as 'dead'. So, all we as citizens can do is to avoid throwing wastes, garbage, chemicals, fecal matter, bathing, etc. Reuse, recycle, reduce, refuse should be our mantra. Laws for industrial units should be made by the government and followed seriously. After all, small contributions can make huge differences.

''Water which sustains life shouldn't be polluted or wasted lest we should suffer gravely.'' So, let's take a pledge to save water from being polluted. 

Hope you like it! Please comment as your feedback is really very SPECIAL. Thanks and keep looking forward to my posts. πŸ˜Š
                                                                                        - Preksha Mahajan

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Games and Sports

Hello guys!
Here's my new post on the topic 'Importance of Games and Sports'


''Our life has become too monotonous to keep an eye over our health. So, games and sports help us to relax and refresh ourselves.''

Games and sports have unending benefits. They help us to rebuild our muscles and rejuvenate us from the busy routine of life. They keep us active and alert throughout the working hours. A person who likes playing different games and sports, not only has a good health but also, he/she is a very punctual, disciplined, well-mannered person. He/She has many qualities such as of sportsmanship, team spirit, leadership qualities, etc. Games and sports can be of of two types: indoor and outdoor. Indoor games are the games played inside a house like: chess, carromboard,etc. These games help one in more thinking and ensure good thinking skills. Outdoor games like: badminton, cricket, hockey, golf, etc. are the games played outside in a playground. These sports improve the physical as well as mental abilities of a person. 

But these advantages can only be enjoyed if we maintain a balance with studies.

Hence, one can say, games and sports have a great importance in one's life.

Hope you like it! Please comment as your feedback is really very SPECIAL. Thanks and keep looking forward to my posts. πŸ˜Š
                                                                                        - Preksha Mahajan

Tuesday 6 June 2017

My Futuristic Views

Hello everyone!
I'm really sorry for not posting any of my works here. Please pardon me as I had to study hard.
So, today, I'm posting an essay on the topic 'My Journey to Future'.


Well, it was a normal day as bright and sunny as usual. As I came out of my bed, I was really astounded to see that the scenery which used to be too hectic, monotonous and busy had transmogrified into very pleasant scenery, full of life. The view of the park which I could see from my window, that was actually having broken swings, no trees, withered flowers and no greenery had totally changed into a clean and green park, full of colourful flowers with butterflies hovering above them and jolly children playing merrily in the park. Suddenly, I peered at the calendar and found that it was ‘‘6 June 2050’’ which made me more stunned than ever. It confirmed that I had reached the future where many changes took place. Then, I went to take a bath and as I appeared before the mirror, what I saw! I had salt and pepper hair and the face resembled mine and I realized that it was me only. As I was getting ready to go to the office, someone beckoned me. To my utter surprise, there came a robot with my breakfast tray which contained a glass of juice and two loaves of bread. After eating, I wore my spectacles and I was just going to call my colleague from my phone, when I saw that my spectacles had the features of a phone too. Indeed these technological advancements were fascinating. Through my window, I could see my mate waiting for me. I went out and he greeted me graciously and politely. As I gazed out at the surroundings, I could see a picturesque vision of trees, birds forming a charming scene which impressed me more. I sat in the car and we drove to the office. I wondered if I had forgotten about how to work in the office. I sat in front of the computer as I had to make the balance sheets and documents when I realized that my computer was a superfast computer which did all work within seconds and minutes. At the end of the day, I was very fatigued and wanted to sleep and I dozed off after taking dinner. But after sometime, I was woken up by my mother and I came to know that I had a dream; it was a figment of my imagination. Actually, I slept off while I was preparing a speech on ‘INDIA OF MY DREAMS’ for my declamation in front of my computer. But gradually I felt, ‘If I dreamt it, I could do it.’ and hence, it is my motto to transform my nation into the ‘BEST NATION OF THE WORLD’.
I'd say just one line to sum up my post, '' EAST OR WEST, MY COUNTRY IS THE BEST!!✨🌺''

Hope you like it. Please comment and share among your friends and family. Thanks and look forward eagerly to my posts. πŸŽ‡πŸ˜Š

                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

Tuesday 18 April 2017

A Tearful Farewell

Hi all!
Here's my self-composed poem on 'A Tearful Farewell'


Time passes away,

Moments pass away,

Everything passes away,

But the memories with them will never pass away.

You can do anything to reach the sky,

But still your 'DEARIES' you cannot buy.

All you can do is miss them,

Because they've left you and said you 'GOODBYE'.

Well, you can't stop them.

But only let them go.

Only give them a tearful farewell,

and say,


Hope you like it. Please comment and share among your friends and family. Thanks and look forward eagerly to my posts. πŸŽ‡πŸ˜Š

                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

Friday 7 April 2017

Friends Are Your Life

Here's a bit short poem on the topic 'FRIENDS'.


''The world comes to life ✌
And everything's bright πŸ‘Œ
From beginning to end ✨
When you have a friend πŸ‘­πŸ‘¬
By your side πŸ‘‰
That helps you to find πŸ”
The beauty you are πŸ’Ÿ
When you open your heart πŸ’“
And believe in πŸ™‡
The gift of a friend. πŸ’"

Hope you like it. Please comment and share among your friends and family. Thanks and look forward eagerly to my posts. πŸŽ‡πŸ˜Š

                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

Thursday 6 April 2017

A Beautiful Story For Everyone

Hello friends!
Here's a beautiful short story being presented in front of you all..

πŸ˜‡Whatever God Does, He Does For The BestπŸ˜‡

Once upon a time lived an affluent merchant named Ram Lal in the city of Varanasi. One day, he was riding on his horse through a forest from a fair where he had earned a huge sum of money. But suddenly, it started pouring cats and dogs. As a result, the merchant got soaked to skin and also his money got wet. He became very distressed and exclaimed with sorrow and murmured, ''Oh God! How will I reach back my home?  My money is also wet. Oh Lord! Why are you so unkind to me?'' But soon, he was attacked by a notorious robber named Ranga who wanted to loot him. To Ram Lal's utter dismay, Ranga took out a gun and decided to shoot the rich merchant. But it was futile. Actually, the gun powder in Ranga's gun became damp because of the rain water that went inside his gun. Ram Lal found it a golden opportunity to run away. After reaching home, he realized that he should have not lost hope. He realized, ''WHATEVER GOD DOES, HE DOES FOR THE BEST.''

Hope you like it! Please comment as your feedback is really very SPECIAL. Thanks and keep looking forward to my posts. πŸ˜Š
                                                                                        - Preksha Mahajan

Thursday 30 March 2017

Heart-touching Quote

Hey everybody!
Here's a beautiful quote by Dr. A.P.J. Kalam which says no matter how ugly you're, BEAUTY is always found in a person's HEART πŸ’•..
So, here's the quote:
I hope you like it. Thanks and keep looking forward to see my posts. Please don't forget to comment and share. 😊
                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan 

Saturday 25 March 2017

Application To Your Principal

Hi everybody!
Today's post is an application to the Principal i.e. a type of formal letter that one may get in examination. 
So, the question is as follows:

Q. Write a letter to your school Principal requesting for leave for one week giving a suitable reason.

The Principal
ABC School
XYZ city

xx Month 20xx

Respected Sir

Subject: Application for a week's leave
With due respect, I, PQR (name), student of (class)-(section), would like to inform you that I would not be able to attend school for one week i.e. from xx Month 20xx to xx Month 20xx as I have to attend a family function at (place). So, I request you to grant me a leave for a week. I am a regular student. So, I make you sure that I would complete my notes after coming from there.

I shall be highly obliged.

Yours obediently

Hope you like it! Please comment as your feedback is really very NECESSARY. Thanks and stay tuned for my posts. Also, kindly share it, if it is helpful. Please do review my posts too..  πŸ˜Š 
                                                                        - Preksha Mahajan

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Ways To Save Water

Hey everyone! 
Today's WORLD WATER DAY i.e on every 22 March, World Water Day is celebrated worldwide in order to spread awareness regarding CONSERVATION OF WATER as it is DEPLETING DAY-BY-DAY.
So, today, I'm putting up an article on the topic 'Ways To Save Water'

πŸ’§πŸ’§Ways To Save WaterπŸ’§πŸ’§

By: Preksha Mahajan
Water which is 100% natural but 0% replaceable is very precious and necessary and it must not be wasted. Do you know what's the actual story behind this statement? Let's find out.

Nature has given many divine gifts to us out of which, WATER is very vital for a man's survival. Without water, life is impossible on the planet Earth. These days, most of the people waste water without realising that only 2% of water is fit for drinking, cooking and other activities. They leave taps open, throw water filled in the bottles, etc. As a result, 1500 litres of water are wasted per minute all over the planet. All we can do is saving water using various methods and techniques. One should avoid using showers but take a bath with a bucket and mug. Also, driveway, cars and sideways should not be washed and hosed with pipes but with a wet mob. One should be concerned and must stop and report all the leakages. Water used in washing vegetables, fruits, etc. should be given to plants or used for cleaning floor, etc. This will help in recycling water. Taps should not be left running while washing clothes, dishes, shaving or brushing teeth, etc. Some practical ways of saving the rain water are by adopting two methods of roof-top rain water harvesting and drain-water harvesting in the colonies. Also, water given off by ROs (Reverse Osmoisis) should be used for household activities. The United Nations Organization celebrates 22 March each year as 'World Water Day' to spread awareness among public to save water in order to save life. Therefore, small actions can make many changes. 

So, it is rightly said that, ''Save water while still you can because water is the most fundamental resource.'' After all, our contributions are always valued.


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                                                                                        - Preksha Mahajan

Sunday 19 March 2017

Say No To Plastic Bags

Hi  everybody! 
Today's post is a very short essay on a famous topic ''Say No To Plastic Bags''.
So, here it is..

πŸ‘œSay No To Plastic BagsπŸ‘œ

Well, all of us have heard about the wide-spread slogan 'Say No To Plastic Bags' but do you know what plastic actually is?
Plastic is made up of very harmful chemicals and toxic matter. It contains 54% of carcinogenic substances and 16%of chlorine. It is so crippling that it has created many problems regarding garbage disposal. 
It is a big health hazard. It neither disposes off nor burns as it is a non-biodegradable matter. If it is burnt, many harmful gases are released into the air and inhalation of these fumes and toxic smoke causes many respiratory diseases. If they are decomposed in the soil, the fertility of soil will decrease along with hampering of plant growth. Many of the people throw waste food materials outside on the roads in these cheap bags without knowing that animals that are in search of food, will die after their intestines get blocked. The black plastic bags are very cancerous as the food gets contaminated when put in them. Throwing away plastic is unsafe as it can block drains letting the stagnant water flow out which allows mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Throwing plastic in water pollutes it resulting in depletion of water table. So, the hazardous effects of plastic bags are never-ending. Many of the places like: Himachal Pradesh, etc. are plastic-free as the government has banned the use of these unwanted bags. Plastic bags aren't dangerous but lethal for all. Even the Mother Earth REJECTS them, then why should we ACCEPT them? 
So, all we can do is making the adage true i.e. ''Say No To Plastic Bags and Yes To Cloth, Jute and Paper Bags'' because 'Together We Can And We Will Make A Difference.'

Hope you like it! Please comment as your feedback is really very SPECIAL. Thanks and keep looking forward to my posts. πŸ˜Š
                                                                                        - Preksha Mahajan

Thursday 16 March 2017

Reduce Food Waste

Hey there!
Today's post is an article based on the topic ''Reduce Food Waste''.
So, here it is..

''🍞Reduce Food Waste🍞''

By: Preksha Mahajan
Would you like to eat a carrot that has two roots or a tomato shaped like a duck? If you ask most of the food buyers, the answers are no. Yes, it is infact very true.But what's the actual story?

A lot of food sellers think no one buys freaky-looking food items. In developing nations, a lot of food gets wasted when people order too much in restaurants. What doesn't get eaten, gets thrown away. As a result, each year, more than 1.3 billion metric tons of food gets wasted just because of some problems like not storing food properly or the way in which it looks like. Producing food that no one eats, in turn, wasted the water, ferilizers, seeds, fuel and land to grow it. Ultimately, more than 800 million people on the planet starve and die of hunger. More food is lost or wasted than is consumed or utilised. Also 9% of food is thrown away at supermarkets and 19% is uneaten and thrown away in homes. So, all we can do is taking small actions, though we don't have any solutions to this issue. One should make the adage i.e. ''Waste Not If You Want Not.'' as his/ her motto. There are many solutions to reduce this food wastage. Students should learn to avoid food wastage. By scheduling recess before lunch, schools can reduce 30% of food waste. Fresh food should be bought. One must think about the right quantity of food to be eaten. Rejected food i.e. regarded as 'ugly' shouldn't be thrown but given to animals or put into composts. If at restaurants, one should share side dishes to keep portions under control. Therefore, small actions can make many changes.

So, I would like to conclude that, ''It takes abut 100 days to produce food but it takes just 2 seconds to waste food.'' Knowing all this, let's reduce food waste in order to reduce deaths that are caused due to hunger and starvation because, ''There is enough for man's need but not enough for man's greed.''

Hope you like it! Please comment as your feedback is really very PRECIOUS. Thanks and keep looking forward to my posts. πŸ˜Š
                                                                                        - Preksha Mahajan

Monday 13 March 2017

Enlighten Your Mind

Hi friends! 
Today's quote is as follows..


It's a true quote that for a single lie, you will have to speak hundreds of them. So, be honest.. 

I hope you like it. Thanks and keep looking forward to see my posts. Please don't forget to comment and share. 😊
                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

Sunday 12 March 2017

A Strange Dream

Hi everyone!
Here's another post infront of you..
It's an essay on the topic ''A Strange Dream I Had '' 


Dreams are the by-products of our inert mind.. They may be sometimes pleasant and sometimes so terrifying that they can be regarded as NIGHTMARES and you wake up shrieking.

Last night, while I was watching a T.V. serial, 'Fear Files', I dozed off. I had an unpleasant sort of a dream. 
I had gone for shooting of a movie as I was the only one whom the director had given the main role. We were in a famous old 'Chiitorgarh Fort' of Rajasthan. I was wearing the dress of a Queen with many jewels. As it was evening, so the director decided to continue to shot the next day and return to the hotel where we all were staying. 
But I was so inquisitive and curious that I wanted to explore the fort. I was unaware of the fact that it was supposed to be haunted as the ghosts roamed about there at night. As a result, I went into the fort and everybody went back leaving me alone. 
Though it was pitch dark at night, yet I wished to continue my exploration. I saw many beautiful paintings, portraits, weapons, thrones, etc. I was really fascinated by them. Then I went into the garden where there were many trees. 
Suddenly, I heard someone calling the name of old Queen 'Rani Ratnavati'. I thought of looking back as an eerie sensation ran down my spine and saw that it was a ghost with a crooked nose and it was wearing a plain white-coloured dress. 
Meanwhile my friends became worried of me and tried to call and contact me but the signals couldn't reach me. I ran as fast as I could but my costume didn't let me do so. So, I fell down on the ground and screamed so loudly as the ghost was going to pounce upon me.
Immediately, my grandmother woke me up and told me that I had disturbed her because of my screams in my dream. But thank God, it was only a night terror and a horrifying dream lest the ghost should have eaten me. 
Now, I've thought of not watching any scary T.V. show otherwise its result would be as of gruesome and petrifying nightmares.


Hope you like it. Please comment and share among your friends and family. Thanks and look forward eagerly to my posts. πŸŽ‡πŸ˜Š

                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

Saturday 11 March 2017

Wishing Speedy Recovery To A Friend

Hello and a very warm welcome to everyone here!
Today's post is actually an informal letter to a friend.
The question is as follows:

Q. Write a letter to your friend who has recently met with an accident and is in a hospital wishing him/her a speedy recovery.

Examination Hall
ABC city

xx Month 20xx

Dear friend, I was really perturbed to hear that you met with an accident and you've been admitted to the hospital and you've even fractured your leg. 

I know you are a very cautious driver, so the motor cyclist must have banged in your bicycle.Don't worry about your classwork , I'll write down all the notes for you. Also don't take tension about your coming football match as it has been postponed due to some problems in school. Take your medicines regularly and you will be fine soon before the match. Take a nourishing diet and a complete rest and I'm pretty sure you'll get well soon. 

I shall be visiting to look you up on this weekend. I'll also send you some books to read. Take proper medication. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Get well soon!
Yours lovingly

I hope you like it. Please comment and share among your friends and family. Thanks and look forward keenly to my posts. 😊

                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

Friday 10 March 2017

A Hot Summer Day Experienced By Me

Hi guys and gals! 
Today's post is actually an essay on the topic ''A Hot Summer Day Experienced By Me''
Well, it's a cool topic and it forms a narrative and descriptive essay.
Here's the attachment.. 
Hope you like it! Please comment as your feedback is really very NECESSARY. Thanks and stay tuned for my posts. Also, kindly share it, if it is helpful. Please do review my posts too..  πŸ˜Š 
                                                                        - Preksha Mahajan

Monday 6 March 2017

Summary of Poem: 'Daffodils'

Hey everybody! 
Here's another post infront of you.. Well, it's a stanza-to-stanza summary of the well-known poet William Wordsworth's poem 

About the poet: William Wordsworth (1770 to 1850) was a world-renowned poet who was very influenced by the majestic portrait and scene of merry daffodils which made him an ardent admirer of nature.


1.I wandered lonely as a cloud 

That floats on high o'er vales and hills, 

When all at once I saw a crowd, 

A host, of golden daffodils; 

Beside the lake, beneath the trees, 

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. 

EXPLANATION--> In the above stanza, the poet compares himself to a cloud roaming aimlessly over valleys and hills when he sees numerous golden daffodils beside the lake and under the trees. The daffodils are dancing merrily in the gentle wind. 

πŸ‘‰Simile- 'lonely as a cloud' (The poet compares himself to a floating cloud using the word 'as'.)

πŸ‘‰Metaphors- 'crowd' and 'host' (The millions of daffodils are compared to crowd and host inorder to determine the numbers of daffodils.)

πŸ‘‰Personification- 'Fluttering' and 'dancing' (The multitude of  daffodils are observed as a person moving and dancing merrily in the breeze.)

2. Continuous as the stars that shine 

And twinkle on the milky way, 

They stretched in never-ending line 

Along the margin of a bay: 

Ten thousand saw I at a glance, 

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. 

EXPLANATION--> In the above stanza, the poet compares the multitude of flowers along the bay to the stretchless stars twinking in the Milky Way Galaxy. The poet is so mesmeriz(s)ed by the beauty of splendid daffodils that he  becomes exaggerated and feels that he sees about ten thousand flowers at a single look.

πŸ‘‰Simile- 'Continuous as the stars' (The never-ending daffodils are compared to infinite stars that glow in the Milky Way Galaxy.)

πŸ‘‰Hyperbole- 'Ten thousand' (The poet uses the phrase 'ten thousand' as extravagant exaggeration inorder to express his joy.)

3. The waves beside them danced; but they 

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: 

A poet could not but be gay, 

In such a jocund company: 

I gazed—and gazed—but little thought 

What wealth the show to me had brought:

EXPLANATION--> In the above stanza, the poet finds that the waves of the lake are also dancing happily but the daffodils have beaten the ripples by dancing more cheerfully than the waves that the poet is left in a jocund and joyous company. The poet gazes again and again about the treasure accummulated by getting charmed by the glorious show of the daffodils.

πŸ‘‰Personification- 'The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee' (The ripples and daffodils are personified.)

πŸ‘‰Repetition- 'I gazed—and gazed' (The poet repeats the phrase again and again because of the charm he feels when he considers daffodils as a great wealth.

4For oft, when on my couch I lie 

In vacant or in pensive mood, 

They flash upon that inward eye 

Which is the bliss of solitude; 

And then my heart with pleasure fills, 

And dances with the daffodils. 

EXPLANATION--> In the above stanza, whenever the poet is in a relaxing, lonely mood and empty-minded, the superb scenery of over-whelming daffodils flashes upon his inward eye i.e. his mind which in turn, brings so much joy in his loneliness and melancholy that his heart fills with pleasure and dances with daffodils and hence, considers them as blessing in solitude. 


Hope you like it! Please comment as your feedback is really very PRECIOUS. Thanks and stay tuned for my posts. Also, kindly share it if it is helpful. Please do review my posts too..  πŸ˜Š 
                                                                        - Preksha Mahajan

Monday 20 February 2017

Congratulations To A Friend For Success

Hello everyone! 
Today's post is based on an informal letter to a friend who has done well in exams and topped it too..
Here's the attachment.. 

I hope you like it. Please comment and share among your friends and family. Thanks and look forward keenly to my posts. 😊

                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

Saturday 18 February 2017

A Beautiful Aphorism

Hi everyone! 
Today, I'll be putting a beautiful quote and I'm pretty sure it would have a deep impact on your life.
So, the quote is as follows..

πŸ…»πŸ…ΈπŸ…΅πŸ…΄ IS A MIRROR

Quote--> REPUTATION is what people think you are...
               PERSONALITY is what you appear to be...
               CHARACTER is what you really are...


I hope you like it. Please comment and share among your friends and family. Thanks and look forward keenly to my posts. 😊

                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

Sunday 12 February 2017

I Wish

Here's a short and brief paragraph on the topic 'I Wish'.

πŸ’­I WishπŸ’­

''So, oh please, please, we beg, we pray,Throw your TV sets away.And in its place you can install,A lovely bookcase on the wall.''

Ah! Amazing lines by Roald Dahl.
I wish to hear such lines. I wish to spread fantasy in the world. I wish to create suspense. I wish to make children happy. I wish to spread knowledge. I wish to burn ignorance. I wish to make people informative. I wish to inspire hope. I wish to instill an art of learning. I wish to ignite imagination. I wish...I wish...I wish...

But what exactly I mean by my desires and eagerness…?

Yes, I long to be a book... A story book... titled ‘THE CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY’.

I hope you like it. Please comment and share among your friends and family. Thanks and look forward eagerly to my posts. πŸŽ‡πŸ˜Š

                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

A Visit To Watch A Chess Match

Hey everybody! 
Here's another post infront of you.. Well, I guess, the topic is very clear..
Here it is presented in the form of DIARY ENTRY. 
I guess, it can be helpful for students if it comes in examination.. πŸ˜‰


12 February 2017                                                                               8:30 p.m.
Oh! What a prestigious Blitz match between Indian Grandmaster Harika Dronavalli (Fide rating 2528) and Chinese Grandmaster Hou Yifan (Fide rating 2649) at Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi. I saw it with my brother, cousin and parents. Both the players were in good form. A crowd of people surrounded the chamber where the two players were playing and no noise was allowed to enter. It was a nail-biting and tough match as Chess is a strategic and enduring game and requires a lot of logical thinking and reasoning. As it was a Blitz match, so they played with the clock of timings 15 minutes each. All through the match, I kept my fingers crossed and waited eagerly that Harika should checkmate Hou Yifan. And yes, it happened the same. Harika Dronavalli beat her opponent and won the title of World Number One. It was a joyous moment for all Indians. She has become an inspiration for all of us. Due to her, my favourite game is Chess. Also, I like Chess because it is for all ages and teaches fair play, makes brain sharp, raises IQ (Intelligent Quotient), improves memory as well as enhances our competitive spirit. I hope that I too keep on winning prizes in this game like her and may God bless Harika with long and prosperous life.
Hope you like it! Please comment as your feedback is really very PRECIOUS. Thanks and stay tuned for my posts. Also, kindly share it if it is helpful. πŸ˜Š 
                                                                        - Preksha Mahajan


Friday 10 February 2017

Wish to Find Greenery Everywhere

Hello friends!
I'm sorry for posting up my poem late.. Please don't mind...
So, well, the title of my poem is 


(So, here it is.)
‘What is a life full of care 😏,
When we have no time to stand and stare?πŸ‘€’
Let’s leave the hectic routineπŸ˜“,
And enjoy the green🌲.
Let’s leave our lazinessπŸ˜–,
And go to parks to playπŸƒ,
To make ourselves gay😊.
Let’s enjoy the scenic beauty by going out🌼,
And sitting delightfully in the cool shade of trees that are strong and stout🌴.
Let’s rejoice ourselves in the lap of nature🌽,
To be happy and healthy creatureπŸ‘§πŸ‘¦.
So, today is the lifeπŸ’,
The life you are sure ofπŸ˜‰.
Enjoy the bounties of nature🌸,
Which are real sources of treasureπŸ’πŸŽ‰.

I hope you like it. Please comment and share among your friends and family. Thanks and look forward eagerly to my posts. πŸŽ‡πŸ˜Š

                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

Sunday 8 January 2017

A Nice Quote For You

Hi friends! 
Here's a GOOD QUOTE for you all.. 


So, here's the quote..

Friends, books are a man's best friends. They provide us a lot of knowledge.. So, why not to read them? I hope, you'll promote the habit of reading in yourself and read good books. 

πŸ“šπŸ“™πŸ“˜πŸ“—πŸ“•πŸ“–πŸ““HAPPY READING!! πŸ““πŸ“–πŸ“•πŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“š

I hope you like it. Thanks and keep looking forward to see my posts. Please don't forget to comment and share. 😊
                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

Thursday 5 January 2017

An Inspiring Story For All

Hello everyone! 
Very well, another post of mine is before you. 
Today, I'm going to put up an encouraging story though a bit short..
Here it is..


In the city of Banaras lived a very talented but poor boy named Raj. His father was a farmer and his mother used to help his father in farming and agriculture. Raj had an ambition of becoming a cricketer since childhood. He was a diligent and dedicated boy but his parents were not so rich as to send him for coaching, buy him any cricket equipment or gear. He tried hard to get selected for the State Ranji Trophy but the selectors told him, ''You'll be kept as a reserve player. Whenever we need you, you'll play then.'' Raj was very dejected. He had lost all hopes and asprirations. But one day, to his utter bewilderment, Raj was given a chance to play as the key player had fallen ill. Raj found it a good way to impress the selectors. And yes, he did the same. He scored a double ton and took three wickets. The selectors were very delighted and happy. They included him in the State Ranji Trophy Team. Raj was very joyous to hear that. He thought, ''When there's a will, there's a way. I shall never lose hope from now onwards. I shall work hard for the team and bring laurels to my parents.'' And indeed, he was successful. His hardwork and devotion paid off in a long run and today, he is recognized as one of the best players in the cricket history ever.

Friends, hardwork can let a person conquer mountains.. No matter, if you can't afford to reach success through materialistic assets, don't lose hope because THE BEST IS YET TO COME


Hope you like it! Please comment as your feedback is really very PRECIOUS. Thanks and stay tuned for my posts. Also, kindly share it if it is helpful. πŸ˜Š 
                                                                                    - Preksha Mahajan