Tuesday 6 June 2017

My Futuristic Views

Hello everyone!
I'm really sorry for not posting any of my works here. Please pardon me as I had to study hard.
So, today, I'm posting an essay on the topic 'My Journey to Future'.


Well, it was a normal day as bright and sunny as usual. As I came out of my bed, I was really astounded to see that the scenery which used to be too hectic, monotonous and busy had transmogrified into very pleasant scenery, full of life. The view of the park which I could see from my window, that was actually having broken swings, no trees, withered flowers and no greenery had totally changed into a clean and green park, full of colourful flowers with butterflies hovering above them and jolly children playing merrily in the park. Suddenly, I peered at the calendar and found that it was ‘‘6 June 2050’’ which made me more stunned than ever. It confirmed that I had reached the future where many changes took place. Then, I went to take a bath and as I appeared before the mirror, what I saw! I had salt and pepper hair and the face resembled mine and I realized that it was me only. As I was getting ready to go to the office, someone beckoned me. To my utter surprise, there came a robot with my breakfast tray which contained a glass of juice and two loaves of bread. After eating, I wore my spectacles and I was just going to call my colleague from my phone, when I saw that my spectacles had the features of a phone too. Indeed these technological advancements were fascinating. Through my window, I could see my mate waiting for me. I went out and he greeted me graciously and politely. As I gazed out at the surroundings, I could see a picturesque vision of trees, birds forming a charming scene which impressed me more. I sat in the car and we drove to the office. I wondered if I had forgotten about how to work in the office. I sat in front of the computer as I had to make the balance sheets and documents when I realized that my computer was a superfast computer which did all work within seconds and minutes. At the end of the day, I was very fatigued and wanted to sleep and I dozed off after taking dinner. But after sometime, I was woken up by my mother and I came to know that I had a dream; it was a figment of my imagination. Actually, I slept off while I was preparing a speech on ‘INDIA OF MY DREAMS’ for my declamation in front of my computer. But gradually I felt, ‘If I dreamt it, I could do it.’ and hence, it is my motto to transform my nation into the ‘BEST NATION OF THE WORLD’.
I'd say just one line to sum up my post, '' EAST OR WEST, MY COUNTRY IS THE BEST!!✨🌺''

Hope you like it. Please comment and share among your friends and family. Thanks and look forward eagerly to my posts. 🎇😊

                                                                                         - Preksha Mahajan

1 comment:

  1. Great writings Preksha 🙂. You made my day happy with this essay, hope you continue your writings till your last breath.
